We live in uncertain – some might say “scary” – times. Conflict, division, consumerism, fame addiction, an uncertain future... these are just some of the hallmarks of modern 21st century life.
But for some, there is refuge.
This book project, Life According to Rodeo, documents a quintessentially American way of life, yet one that is increasingly at odds with our rapidly changing, increasingly unsettling culture. I recently got to know a tight-knit community of Black rodeo cowboys in a small rural town called Cheek, in Jefferson County, Texas. This is their story, — told in my pictures and mostly their own words; a story of simple, uncomplicated values – of daily lives held steady by a good horse and the responsibilities that come with it, by hard, physical work, the occasional broken bone, and a definition of family that extends well beyond bloodlines. It’s a story that has repeated itself virtually unchanged through multiple generations in towns like Cheek; a story that is still being written, despite ever-mounting challenges.
This is a story about a community of Black rodeo cowboys, about the binds that tie its members together and give their daily lives reassurance, predictability, and shared purpose. But more than that, it’s a chance to consider what we need – and don’t need – to lead a rich, fulfilling life, even in these chaotic and uncertain times.
Inkjet photograph prints, various sizes 12" X18" to 24" X36", accompanied by quotes from the cowboys themselves.