Hidden in the Forest: Masculinity and the Hunger to be Known
Hartland, Wisconsin • timkeanephotography.com
It’s self-evident that vulnerability - revealing our flawed selves to others - is required for human connection. Our greatest hunger is to be known but it’s scary, particularly for men. In these images, I explore masculinity, desire, power, and the obstructions on the path to self-actualization.
We struggle with flawed concepts of masculinity and desire. The mask of invulnerability is an armor of protection - and also a barrier to the relationships that are the core of life.
These images portray a quiet longing to let others see beyond the facade shown to the world.
I see the dignity in men revealing some of their hidden selves with both the pride and trepidation of a perceived risk that comes with vulnerability, despite the fear of rejection on the journey.
With each person, I take care to build a space where they may feel invited to reveal fragments of their innermost selves, without coaxing or expectation. These images were captured during conversations about this self-revelation.
In this tentative unveiling, here there is an affirmation of self-worth, a step forward toward honesty and recognition.
With age comes the experience of deciding what to do with what has happened to you. In these portraits, see the journey over time, often in fits and starts, from fear to joy.
17x22 prints.