“You are not my husband. You are Mr. Clark. Go out in the hallway.”
Indiana, United States •
Feelings without memories.

This is about dementia, fading memories, perceptions and feelings. I’m a photographer and a neurologist and I wanted to use photography to engage with my patients in the safety of their homes because social engagement is a treatment for dementia. When my patients returned to my clinic they didn’t know me as their neurologist but they knew me as their friend who came to their home and took their pictures. They didn’t quite remember the details of the event but they remembered their feelings. What I learned from this project is we don’t know the world through only are external senses or words or memories, we perceive the world differently when we feel pleasant or unpleasant. And that’s what we remember, our feelings.
Six million people have Alzheimer’s dementia in the United States and that number will triple in mid century. In mid century 150 million people worldwide will have the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. If we lived to be about 80 one in three of us will have Alzheimer’s and one and two of us will care for someone with Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s disease was discovered over 100 years ago, by Alois Alzheimer, and there is no cure as of now.