The word mother is derived from the Greek word “meter, or verse”: that by which anything is measured. My work explores delicate relationships—our existence as material and concept, the interweaving between two partners in love, and the bond of parent and child. The threads that make up my family structure are braided parts a matriarchal structure comprised of five generations.
Like layered audio tracks, the work visually explores different aesthetic voices: from collage to straight photography. I seek to construct images that normally would be excluded in a traditional family photo album—those that illustrate the vulnerability, intimacy, and joy of motherhood and familial life. Joyous and at time melancholic, the photographs explore momentous as well as fleeting moments from everyday life. Marianne Hirsch has written about the significance of family photographs. She states, “my question about family photos has always been: Where are pictures of sadness? Where are the pictures of divorce? Where are the fights?” She continues: “Where’s the real texture of those tantrums—isn’t that the texture of daily life?” My work seeks to illustrate the complexity and mutability of such familial relationships.