My Diagram Collection attempts to trace, model and imagine parts of the observable and non-observable universe. What do the smallest structures of matter look like? How do they behave? In an alchemical process of play and plan, matter might be carbon molecules or moons in eclipse, portals, or dissolving into sound waves.
The Khôra is a philosophical term described by Plato as a receptacle, a space, or an interval. The Kora is a related concept, the act of clockwise circumambulation around a sacred space, linked to the Buddhist idea of cyclical existence. Likewise, the circles in my work are the result of a circumambulation made by my hand, cutting, tracing or piercing.
As a child I went on digs with my father, an archeologist. I am still fascinated with fragments and the information and stories they contain. These fragments are in the work, as well as inspiration from science journals. In Valence Inventory, valence refers to atomic preferences--the joining patterns of elements. Valence can be deduced from the position of each element in the periodic table. As objects are created and documented, the process of observation leads to linked paths and planes.